Exemption to Re-Install Benchtops

Comcare has issued an interim class exemption to allow engineered stone benchtops, panels or slabs to be re-installed if removed temporarily to conduct repairs or modify underlying cabinetry or facilities.

This is a credit to Comcare as they acted quickly on their own initiative when they realised the total ban on supply or installation of engineered stone benchtops had un-intended consequences eg unnecessary cost and waste of serviceable benchtops.

However, the exemption which allows re-installation of engineered stone benchtops has conditions including:

  • Only applies to situations where the stone benchtop was removed to allow access for repairs or modification of underlying components.

  • Re-installation of stone benchtops must be in the same location from which it was removed, and at the same address.

  • Employer to notify the regulator, and ensure work is conducted in accordance with prescribed safe practices eg control crystalline silica dust exposure.

It is expected that each state and territory will follow the Commonwealth initiative.


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