Is Your Safety Signage Correct
Virtually every business has some safety signage, if only traffic directions in the car park or scold warning on the hot water tap in the kitchen. So, are we using the correct type, size, wording and colour for our safety signage?
The word “DANGER” is reserved for situations likely to be life threatening if the message is ignored. Whereas the word “WARNING” is used to alert people to all other lower levels of risk. In Australia we tend to accept “caution” or “warning” on signage as meaning the same thing.
Many people incorrectly over-use the danger sign, per example below. Whereas they should use the CAUTION or WARNING sign.
The general principle for clear safety signage is:
Decide if situation is life threatening (use Danger) or lower risk (use Caution),
Advise what the hazard is eg hot surface, and
Advise necessary precaution eg don’t touch or wear gloves.
Because your safety signage forms part of your safety system it needs to be maintained, not just put in place once and ignored.
We recommend each business conduct an annual safety sign survey to ensure all required safety signage is still in place, readable and correct for the circumstances.
Call or email for a quote for an independent safety sign survey,or for a copy of our survey template.
The key standards applicable to workplace safety signage include:
AS 1318: 1985 – SAA Industrial Safety Colour Code (for colour specifications)
AS 1319: 1994 – Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment
AS 1345: 1995 – Identification of Contents of Pipes, Conduits and Ducts
ISO 7010: 2019 – Use of Colour Marking Physical Hazards
ISO 20559: 2020 – Safety Colours and Safety Signs
Note: There are various other standards that provide signage details for specific situations. For example, AS 1742 for roadway signage, and AS 2293 for emergency evacuation lighting in buildings.
The tables below provide the main details for safety signage and pipeline markings.
For more information on safety signage, or copy of our fact sheet, give us a call on 03 85 444 300 or email