Recording COVID-19 Vaccination Status

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In workplaces that have a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirement, the employer must collect and be able to produce a record of their workers’ vaccination status. In some cases, this also includes records of contractors and visitors. A record should include the name of the worker, their vaccination status, who sighted evidence of compliance, the date the evidence was sighted, and/or the nature of that evidence (for example, AIR or medical exemption).

There are currently two ways for a worker to prove their vaccination status:

  • If they have had both doses of a vaccine, the COVID-19 digital certificate is available from Services Australia and can be displayed on a mobile phone.

  • If they have had one dose of a vaccine, they can show their Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) record which includes all immunisations, including the date and brand of COVID-19 vaccine the person has received.

  • If a worker has a booking for a COVID-19 vaccine they can show confirmation of the booking.

More information on how to prove vaccination status is available from Services Australia.

Note: You do not need to retain the evidence you sighted. If you do retain the evidence you sighted, you will need to comply with both Federal (Privacy Act 1988) and Victorian (Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, Health Records Act 2001) legislation that regulates this type of health information.

Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Management

We asked our friends at LinkSafe how their digital system can capture this information to ensure all persons entering site are vaccinated.

David Erczmann explains “LinkSafe has the ability to capture vaccines as a credential requirement. It can be made mandatory for particular trade roles, or for clients operating in certain industries where this has now been mandated. It allows us to formulate this as a site compliance item, meaning if it hasn’t been uploaded or hasn’t been approved by the client, it will flag a non-compliance alert when signing in on-site stipulating the reasons why non-compliance has been reached – in this case, a message will display saying that the vaccination certification is missing.”

For More details visit LinkSafe.

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Managing Safety in Unprecedented Times - Part 2