Is Your Air-Con System Causing COVID?

Whilst guidance on prevention of COVID is changing rapidly, what has become clear is the link between poor building ventilation and spreading events.

Recent research suggests a simple tool you can use to measure the “health” of your building ventilation system is a carbon dioxide (CO2) meter.

The CO2 level in fresh air (eg outdoors) is about 400ppm, and building standards specify indoor CO2 levels should not exceed 1,000ppm, or 800ppm averaged over 8 hours. However, spot readings with a portable meter can help identify a lack of fresh air intake on your ventilation / air-con system.

Note: High CO2 levels is not evidence of COVID aerosols in the air-con system, but it does indicate a higher risk of spreading viruses if present eg if one or more people with COVID in the building.

The meters are cheap and easy to use, with prices starting at about $300.


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The Alfred Occupational Respiratory Clinic


Recording COVID-19 Vaccination Status