New First Aid Compliance Code

The new Victorian Compliance Code on First Aid, dated November 2021, requires employers to consider additional equipment and training in their first aid risk assessments, which are summarised below:

1)   Asthma Inhalers & EpiPens

Consider the inclusion of asthma-relieving inhalers and EpiPens in the first aid kit and training first aiders or other employees on how to help people in distress to use the inhaler or EpiPen                          

2)   Mental Health Training

Consider training employees to provide initial, informal support for persons experiencing mental health crises in the workplace.

 3)   Emergency Eyewash

Provide emergency eyewash equipment in the workplace where there is a risk from hazardous chemicals or infectious substances injuring the eye.

Eye wash bottle

4)   Defibrillators

Assess the practicability of having an automated external defibrillator (AED) in the workplace, if specific risks associated with the work performed at the workplace increase the likelihood of cardiac arrest (plumbers, builders, electricians and other tradesmen are at higher risk), or if there are large numbers of people present. If provided, place AEDs in well-known, visible, and accessible locations.

For more information click here.


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