Holiday Road Safety Tips

As lockdowns have lifted the traffic on roads has increased with an added sense of urgency and impatience to get things done prior to Christmas.

Car fatalities this year have increased 10%. So what can we do to help keep ourselves and others on the road stay safe this holiday season?

Show Courtesy to others.

Many of the examples of bad driving we see on the roads these days are not being addressed by current laws or road safety efforts. e.g. lack of courtesy.

  • A vehicle travelling dangerously fast in traffic. Lack of courtesy.

  • A vehicle rush through an amber light while you are waiting to turn? Dangerous and lack of courtesy.

  • Aggressive drivers in traffic? Lack of courtesy and impatient.

  • Vehicles turn without indicating or too late? Lack of courtesy to others.

  • Cars stopped and holding up a long queue of traffic so they can turn right? Lack of courtesy for those who go out of their way to avoid holding up traffic.

  • Vehicles travelling slowly in the righthand lane holding up traffic? Lack of courtesy.

  • Drivers using a smart phone while driving, or at the lights? Lack of courtesy.

  • A vehicle hanging out of a parking bay obstructing other traffic? Lack of courtesy to others.

  • A driver pulls in front of you without looking? Lack of courtesy.

  • A pedestrian steps onto the road without looking? Deadly and lack of courtesy.

  • A driver doesn’t ‘wave’ or acknowledge when they have been let in by another driver? Lack of courtesy.

Top tips from a Police Traffic Accident Investigator

  1. Take your time on the roads

  2. Drive to the conditions

  3. Drive within your own capability

If all drivers had courtesy as a core value we would see less road rage and car accidents.

Don’t Let the Holiday Rush Lead to Tragedy

The end-of-year holiday season is fast approaching and many of us are keen to get 2021 over and done with. The holiday season is a busy time for everyone, that's why it’s important to keep safety top of mind. When workers are rushed to finish jobs before the holidays, the chances of mistakes are higher and can lead to serious, or even tragic incidents.

Safety authorities are reminding everyone to “Slow down and stay safe, so we can all put 2021 safely behind us.”

See industry specific guidance at WorkSafe Victoria here.


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