Is There Too Much “High Viz”
Many workplaces have so much high visibility workwear that it can be confusing and feel like trying to “find Wally”? Here are our tips to help.
1. Limit High Viz Areas
Avoid the temptation to over-specify high visibility areas eg "when in doubt add more PPE”, as high viz PPE loses impact if work areas have too many distractions eg high viz everywhere.
2. Interim Controls Essential
If this assessment indicates high visibility PPE is required, but currently not in place consider interim controls eg what you can put in place immediately, such as witches hats / tape to designate boundary and temporary signage.
3. Clearly Designate High Viz Areas
Ensure high viz areas are placarded and pedestrian walkways clearly defined eg signage at each entry, barriers or line marking.
4. Have PPE Available at Entry
Provide adequate number of high viz PPE at each entry point, to make it easy and convenient to comply, and remove excuses for not wearing high viz in placarded area.
5. Conduct a Review for Permanent Controls
Conduct a traffic management review to determine short-term and permanent controls.
6. Use a Spotter for One-Off Movements of Plant
Spotter directing in-frequent traffic movement and keeping pedestrians clear to avoid making the area a high viz zone
If an area does not normally require high viz (PPE), but you need to move plant through the area, use a spotter to guide equipment and keep pedestrians clear.
7. Selection of High Viz Colours
When purchasing high viz specify or look for label stating it complies with Australian Standard AS 4602.1: High Visibility Safety Garments.
Day Time High Viz
The use of fluorescent high viz PPE is strongly recommended.
The main high viz colours are; red, yellow, and orange, or mixtures with these eg yellow-green, lime-yellow, and red-orange.
Note: The use of non-fluorescent high viz should be confined to situations where for safety reasons garments need to be made of natural fibres that cannot incorporate the fluorescent pigments. For example, welding sparks risk fire with nylon high viz vests. Refer to AS 1906.4: High Viz materials for safety garments (s.2.4).
Night Work High Viz
If work involves night-time near the path of traffic, then fluorescent PPE with retro-reflective strips are recommended.
Some PPE will be labelled for day or night use and may also say for wet weather use.
8. Monitor
Finally, monitor compliance with PPE rules and possible need for different controls. If necessary, act promptly to ensure your high viz areas are appropriate and followed.
Email us or phone 03 8544 4300 for a copy of our High Visibility (PPE) Self-Assessment template