How Do You Measure Up?

By request Safety Action is again running our Safety Benchmarking survey this year. From July our Safety Benchmarking Survey will be open, via an online survey containing a series of safety performance data questions and 20 Yes-No and multiple chose safety system questions.  This survey will be both emailed out and available on our website.

The last benchmarking survey, conducted in 2018, found a consistent downward trend in incident rates, workers compensation premiums, whilst the number of safety staff increased.

 What activities lead to the most benefit?

In the 2018 data we introduced a series of YES-NO and multiple-choice questions for the first time to determine what activities provided the most benefit to safety. This found that some activities like; having a safety system, board reporting and doing internal safety audits did not raise safety performance above average, yet its absence significantly reduced performance.

The top 4 things found last survey to be of most benefit were:

1.      Key risks register

2.      5 to 10-year strategic plan

3.      Use of external safety advisors

4.      Conduct 3 yearly external audits

A similar set of questions will be included this year.


Participation is free and voluntary. All participants receive a free copy of the full report.

All data is kept confidential and only unique company identifiers are included within the report. When you receive your copy of the report you will be given your businesses unique identification number so you can clearly see how you have performed against the industry benchmarks.

Start putting your data together now.

What you will need?

Next month we will include a link to our online survey. The data and information will include;

 General Business details;

·        Business name

·        A contact person and contact details.

·        Number of staff (effective full time EFT)

·        Workers compensation premium (per annum)

·        Number of safety personnel (EFT)

Lag Indicators

·        Number of lost time injuries

·        Number  of medical treatment injuries

·        Number of first aid injuries (if known)

·        Total days lost

Lead Indicators

·        % Inspections conducted to schedule

·        % Hazards fixed within 60 days (estimate ok)

·        % Safety climate survey positive responses

System Questions

There are 20 yes-no or multiple choice questions relating to what systems and activities your business currently undertakes. Including if you have a formal safety system, do you report safety to a board, qualifications of safety staff.

Not every business will have the data for all the above mentioned items, but we ask participants to answer as best they can and complete everything they can, leaving those they can’t blank.

In July we will start to collect data for our safety performance benchmarking survey for a recent 12 month period, eg 2020 or 2021 financial year, and we encourage every organisation to participate.

We look forward to your participation !


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