Equipment Isolation vs LOTO

Many people working with plant and machinery use the term “isolation” and “LOTO” interchangeably, but are they the same or different?

All equipment needs to be made safe before workers conduct a machinery intervention eg clear a blockage, make an adjustment, or do service or maintenance.

Equipment Isolation

Isolation is the process of identifying all sources of harmful energy within the equipment, disconnecting or securing them, and installing locks and tags to prevent any person re-starting the machine until the work is completed and equipment confirmed safe to return to service.


The term LOTO is simply the abbreviation of “lock-out tag-out”, which is the most visible step in the equipment isolation process, but only part of it. However, the term LOTO is often used merely for convenience to mean equipment isolation eg “I have carried out LOTO”.

Criteria for Applying LOTO

We believe staff need clarity on the circumstances when equipment must be isolated, and suggest the following criteria.

  1. If remove any machine panel or open a non-interlocked door; or

  2. Disable any safeguard eg over-ride an interlock switch; or

  3. Enter machine where interlocked door can be closed or machine re-started; or

  4. Dis-assembly through interlocked door eg use tools to access harmful parts.

6-Step LOTO Process

The 6-step isolation process includes:

  1. Shut down machine and cordon off work area.

  2. Identify all sources of harmful energy and their respective isolation points.

  3. Disconnect or secure all energy sources.

  4. Release any stored or residual energy.

  5. Install locks and tags & record in LOTO book.

  6. Test isolation is effective and locks secure.

What Do Isolation Points Look Like?

Equipment isolation points should be labelled and easy to apply locks and tags eg eyelets to apply the LOTO lock.

One or Two LOTO Keys?

We often see multiple keys with LOTO locks, or companies arrange for spare LOTO lock keys to be kept by a responsible person.

The problem with this is someone might gain access to a spare key and remove isolation before the machine is ready to return to service.

We recommend you destroy any spare keys so workers know they have the only key that can open their LOTO lock while they are exposed to the machinery hazards.

Which LOTO Tags Should We Use?

There are many variations of wording and appearance of isolation tags readily available online and at safety equipment stores.

All types of LOTO tags are OK if explained in your company LOTO procedure and followed by all workers, however, we recommend you use two types of tags eg equipment out-of-service and personal danger tags.

Equipment Danger Tags (EDTs) are used to indicate caution as the equipment is out-of-service, for the stated reason, and are not to be used or attempt to start.

Personal Danger Tags (PDTs) are special and used to indicate the stated person is working on the equipment and it is important that no one attempts to re-start the machine or interfere with the work.

Essentially, EDT tags and locks are first on and last to take off. PDT tag and lock is only placed on the isolation box/point as the worker arrives and removed each time the worker leaves the area.

Complex vs Simple Isolation

Simple isolation is where there is only one isolation point that makes the item of equipment safe for the machinery intervention.

Complex isolation is where there is multiple isolation points on machine. To help workers isolate complex equipment we recommend LOTO diagrams be prepared for each item of equipment with multiple isolation points.


For more information on equipment isolation or a quote for a LOTO audit or training for your team then give us a call on 03 8544 4300 or email.


Silica Awareness Training ACT


Vic Psychological OHS Regs