Wearing Masks for COVID-19 in Victoria.
In an effort to contain the spread of Coronavirus the Victorian government has issued new rules for everyone in the metropolitan Melbourne area and Mitchell Shire to wear a face covering whenever leaving home, unless an exception applies.
Acceptable masks must cover both the nose and mouth and can be:
Re-usable masks eg washable with or without removable filters/valves;
Disposable eg surgical or paper masks;
Face shields eg plastic wrap-around visor from forehead to below the chin;
Home-made masks;
Scarfs or bandanas.
Re-usable Mask
Disposable Mask
Face Shield
Note: Re-usable masks with exhaust valves risk exhaling unfiltered contaminated air to others and is therefore not recommended for COVID protection.
Cloth masks eg home-made masks, scarfs and bandanas ideally should have three (3) layers of a mix of breathable materials to provide the best protection.
Home-made Cloth Mask
Bandana as a mask
Unless an exception applies, you must wear a face covering whenever you leave your home including:
Travelling on public transport;
In a car with people outside your household;
At the workplace eg offices, factories, warehouses, call centres, construction sites.
A face covering is NOT required for:
The Following Workplace Situations
Circumstances at workplace which would create a risk to a person’s health or safety, as determined through OHS guidelines eg risk assessment.
While in your own enclosed office, but masks required if someone enters.
Note: Open plan offices are NOT an exception.
Briefly taking off the mask for comfort eg to relieve pressure on face or to adjust the mask – assuming social distancing and good hygiene practices.
Working from home.
Driving alone or with members of your household.'
While eating and drinking.
Other Exceptions
Medical or dental treatment.
Medical condition eg breathing problems such as asthma, serious skin condition, mental health, or hearing impaired who need to see the lips for communication.
Children under the age of 12 years or at primary school.
Strenuous exercise eg running or cycling.
Professional sports people when training or competing.
Need to remove mask for identification eg police or bank.
During emergencies.
You must carry a face covering with you whenever you leave home, unless exempted by a medical condition, even if you don’t need to wear it immediately eg going jogging.
Employers are required to ensure employees wear face coverings at the workplace, unless an exception applies, and can be fined if they fail to do so.
For more information, click on the below links.
DHHS Face Coverings: Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire.
WorkSafe Vic: Managing Coronavirus Risks. Face Coverings in the Workplace