Where Do You Need To Display Evacuation Diagrams?
One of our clients was told they needed to display an evacuation diagram in every building.
They were confused because the only building they had was a shed. It only had one exit and entry which you could see from everywhere.
So where exactly do you need to display an Evacuation Diagram?
Our Advice
Display an Evacuation Diagram in each area that needs guidance to the exit and make sure you're adhering to the legal requirements in your state.
Regulations vary from state by state. For example in Queensland, you only need to display one for buildings that are over 300 square metres. In New South Wales you just need one for your workplace. So as long as you have one somewhere, you're adhering to the legal requirement.
Your Legal Requirement
Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008
If the total building floor area is greater than 300m2 evacuation diagrams need to be:
Located on each evacuation route in a visible location.
Oriented to show the actual direction to exit.
Displayed on wall or internal side of door.
Adopted Model Code of Practice: Managing the Work Environment & Facilities.
Display a site plan which includes:
Location of fire protection equipment.
Emergency exits.
Assembly areas
Not prescribed by regulation or code.
Sample Evacuation Diagram
Courtesy Statcom Systems
Australian Standard And Guidance
Australian Standard AS 3745: 2010 - Planning for emergencies in facilities provides guidance for evacuation diagrams including where to display and what it should include:
The Location and Properties of Your Diagram
Titled “Evacuation Diagram”.
Chart size at least 210mm x 297mm, with floor area at least 200mm x 150mm.
Displayed in a conspicuous location.
Oriented correctly showing direction from place of display to exit.
Positioned at height between 1.2m and 1.6m.
What Your Diagrams Should Include
“YOU ARE HERE” icon.
Designated EXITS coloured green.
Emergency communication & fire equipment coloured red.
Fire indicator panel location.
Location of assembly areas & any refuges.
Validity date.
Legend to explain the symbols used.
Optional items include: North compass, first aid stations, hazardous chemical stores, spill response kits, warden details, paths of travel coloured green, emergency information e.g. telephone numbers and fire orders.