Preventing COVID-19 from Entering the Workplace

The main measure for reducing the risk of a person introducing coronavirus (COVID-19) into a workplace is having staff work from home. Where staff need to attend the workplace, you must prevent persons who are unwell or may have come into contact with someone with COVID-19 from entering your workplace.

Employers should confirm with employees, contractors and visitors, before they enter the workplace, that they do NOT have:

  • COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Contact with any confirmed cases of COVID-19.

  • Any health directions, such as isolation, quarantine or in relation to travel.

See the Staff COVID-19 Health Questionnaire from Business Victoria.

For contact tracing and to ensure that occupancy restrictions are adhered to, a sign in register is recommended. A common problem with these sign-in stations is that they pose an infection risk. Especially where shared equipment is provided, such as pens, paper and thermometers. Once touched, they could be contaminated.

To reduce the risk:

  • Inform staff and visitors of your site access requirements before their visit.

  • Provide hand sanitiser at these stations, with instructions to use before touching anything.

  • Do not provide shared pens or paper.

QR Code

QR Code

Better yet, move the sign-in process to an electronic process!

Our friends at LinkSafe have solutions which can allow Contactless sign-in via QR codes. By simply holding up your phone to scan the QR code, signs in immediately. All your records are private and uncontaminated.

You can include your temperature records within the Linksafe Site Register with Visitor Management. LinkSafe systems can also monitor number of people on-site and send alerts when maximums are exceeded.

For more information, contact LinkSafe on 1300 558 102 or at


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