Minimizing Employee Stress in Lockdown

In periods of unprecedented crises, the overall health and wellbeing of employees can be jeopardized due to stress.

Employers are required to ensure that risk to mental health and wellbeing of their employees is managed. Investing in the wellbeing of employees ensures the profitability of any business.

Sources of Stress for Workers in Lockdown

  • Physical health worries for themselves family and friends e.g. worrying about aged parents.

  • Financial concerns e.g. due to job loss or insecurity.

  • Isolation e.g.  from colleagues, supervisors and personal support network like family and friends.

  • Distractions while working from home e.g. from a child or partner.

  • Problems with meeting deadlines.

  • No clear divide between work and leisure.

  • Unsuitable workspaces e.g. unsuitable workstations, poor internet connections, lighting, and noise issues.

  • Coping with new learning and changes in work procedures and protocols e.g. working on  new web-based platforms.

Signs of Worker Stress

  • Often distracted with decline in productivity and efficiency.

  • Increased propensity to be overwhelmed and frustrated.

  • Memory problems and inability to concentrate.

  • Anxiety, Irritable, Depressed and Sad.

  • Worse sleeping patterns.

  • Low confidence and motivation.

  • Easily irritable and Fatigue.

Tips for Minimizing Stress During Lockdown

  1. Show empathy.

  2. Provide flexible and reasonable adjustments to workload and schedules.

  3. Provide honest information on the impact of the lockdown on the business and the contingency plans in place.

  4. Be authentic in asking about their wellbeing and try to provide support when needed.

  5. Maintain regular contact with workers.

  6. Help workers get into a routine.

  7. Encourage workers to take regular breaks and follow healthy habits e.g. regular exercise.

  8. Provide ongoing training and support for new procedures and protocols in the workplace e.g. online training sessions.

  9. Remind workers of support services available.

  10. Encourage workers to seek professional support if necessary.

Contact Safety Action on 03 8544 4300 or email for a copy of a home workstation set up checklist.

Support Service Links


Heads up


Beyond Blue

Black Dog Institute

Mental health resources - coronavirus (COVID-19)



Fit Testing Disposable Respirators


COVID-19 Notification Regulations - Victoria