Elevated Work Platform Crush Hazards
EWP near overhead steel beam
A contractor died after he was crushed between a steel roof beam and the basket of a platform boom elevating work platform (EWP) at a Victorian shopping centre in August this year. It’s understood he was operating a platform boom lift from the basket when it lifted to roof level, crushing him.
To prevent crush hazards between EWP and overhead obstructions, check that you have the following safety measures in place:
Safe EWP: Guarding to protect the operator, pressure sensor at the operator controls, height sensing devices and/or a physical barrier around the operator or sides of the bucket.
Safe Practice: EWP operators should not work alone. Have a trained Safety Observer on the ground near the EWP Emergency Stop, who is trained in EWP ground controls and rescue.
Operator: Check surroundings before starting work and before slewing. Include the hazard and controls in the Safe Work Method Statement and pre-start toolbox.
Watch the WorkSafe Victoria videos below which highlight the hazards and control measures that can be adopted when using EWPs: