Are You Guilty of not Fit Testing Face Masks?

Traditionally, industrial workers wore respirators to prevent inhaling harmful dusts and fumes, but with the current epidemic health workers and others are increasingly wearing P2 face masks for protection against the COVID virus.

We previously explained the difference between surgical masks and P2 and N95 respirators in our latest Fact Sheet and our friends from 3M have recently provided two very helpful fact sheets:

  1. Respirators and their use for infectious diseases; and

  2. P2 vs N95 Respirators

Fit Testing Standard

The Australian Standard AS 1715: Selection and Use of Respirators has long specified fit-testing of workers for each model of respirator, especially if the person is exposed to toxic fumes or harmful atmosphere.

Because each person has different features and facial shape, fit testing the worker with the selected respirator is important to ensure an effective seal can be achieved on their face.

Failure to fit test respirators risks workers having the inconvenient and potential discomfort but little or no protection. This occurs when air leaks into the respirator around the face seal without passing through the filter. P2 respirators are designed to trap harmful particles including bacteria and viruses.

Legal Requirements to Fit Test & Officer Negligence

Despite the Australian Standard (AS 1715) specifying fit testing, anecdotally most Australian businesses which use respirators have not been conducting fit testing.

As most respirator use in general industry only involves nuisance dust or other low harm contaminants, the lack of fit testing is probably tolerable.

However, where workers could be exposed to highly toxic or harmful particles or diseases, failure to fit test them with their respirators is likely to give rise to allegations of breach of the general duty of care, recklessness or even negligence for officers.

Training in Correct Use of Respirators

Undertaking respirator fit testing also provides the opportunity to record evidence that the worker was trained in correct use, storage, and maintenance of their respirator, as this is usually included as part of the fit testing session.

Safety Action Fit Testing Services

The Safety Action fit testing technicians have been trained by the respiratory equipment specialists at 3M and use state of the art scientific measurement of respirator fit. Older style fit testing involved the person wearing their desired mask while a sweet smelling mist was sprayed outside the mask. If the person indicated that they smelt the mist the fit test failed. However, this old approach relies too heavily on their co-operation to accurately identify the smell and may compete with their desire to pass the test.

The latest fit test method, as used by Safety Action does not need any indication from the wearer, as a probe inside the mask detects any particles that by-passes the filter e.g. poor facial fit.

For a quote to conduct respirator fit testing for your team contact Safety Action T. 03 85 444 300 or


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