Annoying People at Christmas

As we come into the Christmas season most of us like to catch up with close friends and family. However, these events also bring people we would normally choose not to socialise with.

For those who have attended our safety leadership course, remember the question about the “4 to 1 rule” – is there anyone at work you would NOT want to go on a holiday with?

We thought we would offer our top tips and reflections that might help you deal with these people, or at least better cope with their annoying habits and attitudes.

  1. Don’t over-react

    When unpleasant people say stupid things or display meanness, don’t over-react. Treat it like a geologist examining a rock. Ah! I have seen that before.

  2. True spirit of conversation

    Try to bring out the interests or cleverness in others, not talk about yourself.

  3. Irrational behaviour

    Our best defence to irrational behaviour is awareness of it happening.

  4. Anger

    We can’t think rationally or be pleasant ourselves if we are angry.

  5. It’s them, not me

    No one is perfect, it is only a question of what personality disorders you have.

  6. Your values

    Clear values steer all our decisions and behaviour.

  7. Strange assumptions

    Don’t assume strangers are similar, or share your values. Find out.

  8. Know your enemy

    I don’t like that man – I must get to know him better!

  9. Feeling superior?

    Is a sure sign the irrational mind is at work.

  10. Real enjoyment

    Pleasure is not in fulfillment, but in the journey (with close friends and family).

Wishing a safe and merry Christmas season.


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